In a recent post I discussed the importance of using controlled breathing as a body cleanse to lower hormones that can cause anxiety or fear and as a technique to calm yourself. I thought it wise to discuss two simple exercises on some breathing. There are many more breathing exercises available on YouTube.
The first appropriate start to introducing anything you wish to adopt into a new routine for yourself is to do just that. Put into your schedule as a routine event. So, as an example, I normally practice breathing in the morning as a routine upon waking up, then again in the afternoon and finally in the evening as kind of check in with myself on how much stress have I been taking on today?
Exercise One: For 15 seconds you focus all of your awareness on your controlled breathing, count your breath in and out slowly for up to 15 seconds. Ensure that the breath out is longer than the breath in, this makes sure that any hormones built up exit. Use your nose to breath in and your mouth to breath out. Relax your body as you are completing this practice with each breathe try and release the tension.
Exercise Two: Breathing in through your noise, let your breath flow into your belly comfortable without forcing it, try and go past that and have your breath reach your toes. Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, gently and in a canted beat. Let the breath flow out gently, you can count up to 15 if you find it helpful.
Practice the exercise for 30 seconds per set.
I hope you find these exercises helpful, the late Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn once wrote, “Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is the only moment. This should give your something to think about while you are using your breathing practices. You can look up the “First 8 Exercises of Mindful Breathing by Thich Nhat Hahn on You Tube.”
If you have and questions or need assistance just ask me, info@mindhealthconnect.ca
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