What are Oxalates?

Foods containing oxalates

Oxalates came into my scope because if there are too many Oxalates in your system than mood conditions, anxiety, sleep problems can be presenting factors in your overall health. Let’s just say a global statement that many foods that are healthy may contain important antioxidants, fibre and other nutrients such as Oxalates.  It is not […]

Bio Individual Nutrition

Fruits and vegetables with Bio written in white on blackboard.

What is Bio Individual Nutrition and how does it work.  First, we all have to acknowledge that the body is a system and second every one of us has their own unique system.  Bio individual nutrition is a way to develop through trial, eliminations and understanding methylation, transsulfuration and sulfation. In layman’s terms, methylation is […]

Biochemical Individuality

Meat, fruit and vegetables for a nutrient rich diet.

and the Walsh Institute We underestimate the importance of nutrients to assure that we are well balanced, both physically and mentally.  Dr. William Walsh has been researching and proving that the effects of nutrients can have a profound effect on mental health.  Walsh has been studying behaviour and effects of nutrients for over 40 years.  […]

Glucose – Diabetes

Gut Health and Mental Well-Being In previous Blogs I have discussed the relationship between gut health and mental wellbeing.  An additional relationship we need to consider is between glucose and mood. Plus,  how gut health has a connection between glucose levels and mental health! The idea should come as no surprise as the brain runs […]

Exploring Copper and Zinc:

Healthy foods containing zinc and copper minerals.

Copper is a mineral that you need to stay healthy.  Your body uses copper to carry out many important functions, including making energy, connective tissue, and blood vessels.  Copper also helps maintain the nervous and immune systems and activates genes.  Your body also needs copper for brain development.  Copper interacts with Vitamin C, iron and […]


Types of water bottles

Water plays a key role in many of our body’s functions, including bringing nutrients to cells, getting rid of waste, protecting joints and organs, and maintaining body temperature, just to name a few of the important roles it plays. Water carries nutrients to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain.  Water allows […]

Diet and Nutrient Power

Diet foods with nutrient symbols

The power of Nutrients is an under-appreciated fact.  The fact is that nutrients are the primary raw materials for the synthesis of many neurotransmitters are nutrients.  Such as, amino acids, vitamins, mineral and other natural biochemicals are all obtained from food.  Serotonin which is  One of the natural body chemicals that controls your mood.  It […]

Fat and Depression Link

Depression can be described as a mood, a state of being, or energy level that includes a lack of motivation, a sense of hopelessness, and a lack of physical energy.  Depression can be associated with a variety of nutritional deficiencies; there are common symptom and they occur in both young or old.  It is not […]

Fat and Brain Link

Did you know that your brain is comprised of over 50% fat?  I have seen research that quotes 70%. Fat got a dirty name in the 1980’s and I am not sure why.  But here is what you need to know about fat and how it operates for your brain and in the body.  Lipids […]

Fat Myths

Plant based written in white chalk on blackboard surrounded by fruit, veggies and plants.

Who started the myth about fat is bad?  Not sure but is started sometime in the 80’s.  After the myth started the word fat has such negative connotations in our culture that many of us shy away from foods that contain it. The products that are “low in fat” usually contain extra sugar.  Dietary fat […]

Healthy Gut

Woman holding out hand towards image of intestines or healthy gut.

A quick overview on the question, what is a healthy gut?  A healthy gut should include discussions on microbiome, and transit time.  Considering that your gut is responsible for controlling digestion, boosting immune function, regulating your mental health, preventing disease, and maintaining your overall health, it is a pretty important organ! Your gut microbiome starts […]

Probiotic Myths

Probiotics with yogurt containers

The myth about probiotics!  Have you ever walked into a store and tried to figure out which probiotic, what billion of what strain is the correct dose or what about those that are in the fridge and those that are on the shelf.  Tough decision without the facts and understanding that not all probiotics are […]