Mental Health of a Family Member

Wooden hands with family written in red on yellow house

When a family member has mental health, the entire family can have the struggle.  Assisting through negotiating the system, assisting with options for care decisions, assisting with acceptance and still loving the person even though there can be difficult times. This can be overwhelming for not just the person with mental health but everyone that […]


Relationships spelled out with white cubes and black letters with rose colored flowers.

During this time of year there is one thing that keeps in the forefront in our lives is relationships either the lack of or missing, the stress or the peace that comes with the connection.  Kinship, partnerships connection, associations.  Either one of these culminate to the ultimate meaning which is to create a bond.  The […]

Pick the Right Partner

5 love languages written on pad of paper with pen, coffee cup and cookie

So, there is not being enough said about picking the right partner to walk through life.  There is so much research and numerous books on the topic.  There is a difference though with having a communication mistake and not being with the right person. I always encourage by clients to start with the free quiz, […]

Pick the Right Relationship

5 love languages written on pad of paper with pen, coffee cup and cookie

So, there is not be enough said about picking the right partner to walk through life.  There is so much research and numerous books on the topic.  There is a difference though with having a communication mistake and not being with the right person. I always encourage by clients to start with the free quiz, […]