What is Pre-Verbal Trauma?

Sad young victim of pre-verbal trauma holding teddy bear looking out a window.

There is a little whisper of what is called pre-verbal trauma, things that happen before you have the ability to communicate verbally.  Experiences that could be involved are problematic birth, inattentive parent, physical abuse, poverty, or neglect.  Like most women who have had multiple pregnancy and delivery stories we can all attest that no two […]

Effects of Trauma on the Body

Ball and chain with Trauma attached to ankles of person.

Well, it’s a heavy topic but a necessary one, trauma has many effects in the body, links to autoimmune, gut health, physical pain and emotional pain, suffering within the person and extending outside to all their relationships.  It takes a toll on everyone and everything. The first key of healing is calming yourself, containing the […]


White female hand using blue market to write the word trauma in uppercase letters

Trauma is a pretty hard topic for the start of January.  Thinking through out the holidays about how there are people who don’t have a happy family Christmas to look forward to or attend. This series of Blogs is for these people but, also good information for all. Trauma according to Google is the lasting […]

What Does Bio Individual Mean?

Genetic string with hand.

The term Bio Individual can be used when discussing health and it seems like a distant heavy term but is quite easy, not the rocket science meaning. It is the idea that certain factors such as ancestry plays a huge role in bio-individuality, according to the study by RB Eckhardt, Feb 2001.  Foods that your […]

What is MTFHR?


Methylene homocysteinetetrahydrofolate reductase is an enzyme that breaks down the amino acids in the body  Amino Acids help the body repair tissue and break down food.  The ability to function normally or completely inactivate it can be interfere with by the MTHFR genes, which have the potential to mutate. Everyone has two MTHFR genes, one […]