When I first set out to write a blog, I was nervous and not sure that I had enough to say that people would be interested in. Here I am writing the 100th blog and still have something to say. The google algorithms are telling me that people are still interested, and I am getting […]
Taking Responsibility for Your Own Health
There is a need for you to take responsibility for their own health. This means to take active measures to keep and improve your health, accept help, such as an exercise coach, or taking meditation classes and not offloading all your health responsibility onto your doctor or other professionals. This means being active in managing […]
Negative Thinking
Often, I have clients who are plagued by negative thinking. I define negative thinking as thoughts about yourself, others, or the world in general that are characterized by negative perceptions, expectations, and attributions. These thoughts can be associated with unpleasant emotions and adverse behavioural, physiological and health outcomes. Literally you can make yourself sick from […]
15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
When we are trying to shift our awareness to being more mindful about what we eat to reduce inflammation. Therefore, it would be helpful to reduce inflammation within the body, to know what foods are anti-inflammatory for us to eat. That is where it all starts with the awareness of our body’s needs. When we […]
Exercise – Just Do It!
We all know, or have been told about the importance of exercise, but do we really know how important it is, and the types of exercise required for optimum health? Results of exercise studies have been somewhat mixed, but there is a growing consensus that high intensity weight-bearing exercise and resistance training generally increase, or […]
Tongue Tie, Huh?
Why am I writing about a this? There is a strong link between tongue tie and B12/folate issues (MTHFR genes) – but what is a tongue tie actually? ( A tongue tie “is a condition in which an unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (Lingual Frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the […]
Mind Body Connection
When I started in private practice working many years ago, I had many successful sessions where the individual received Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Through a workbook, the individual began to understand how thought and feelings were connected and could be changed, then BOOM – finished and out the door! Those were the successful people, but some, […]
Functional Approach – Looking Upstream
There are two pillars of mental health that we should be aware of: Psychological and Medical. The first one is psychological — it is what we think about and the second one is medical — it is what we do to our body. Both of these pillars work together which affects our lives. Mental health […]