Alpha Mind

Headphones on deck with book and blue alpha waves

There are several different types of brain waves, 4 to be exact, alpha, beta, theta and delta.  Each are associated with a specific mental state.  In this blog and subsequent blogs I am going to talk about each and give each equal time.  Alpha waves are considered the relaxation waves, they occur when you are […]

Cultivating Resilience

Resilience on board with flowers.

What does the term resilience mean and why do we want our children to be comfortable and understand it, why is it so important?  The meaning of the word resilience is to withstand or to recover quickly.  The ability to return quickly after something bad has happened.  Why do trauma researchers emphasize that resilience is […]

Negotiating Through Care & Treatment Systems

Health Care Mental spelled out in Scrabble tiles on pink background.

When you fall ill and need help with your health, either mind or body there can be an overwhelming surge of information that overwhelms you and pressure to make decisions fast and immediate.  Don’t be afraid to take a moment, some time and have a clear picture of your desired outcome. Communication in these types […]

Mental Health of a Family Member

Wooden hands with family written in red on yellow house

When a family member has mental health, the entire family can have the struggle.  Assisting through negotiating the system, assisting with options for care decisions, assisting with acceptance and still loving the person even though there can be difficult times. This can be overwhelming for not just the person with mental health but everyone that […]


Relationships spelled out with white cubes and black letters with rose colored flowers.

During this time of year there is one thing that keeps in the forefront in our lives is relationships either the lack of or missing, the stress or the peace that comes with the connection.  Kinship, partnerships connection, associations.  Either one of these culminate to the ultimate meaning which is to create a bond.  The […]

Year 2025 Forward

2025 written on roadway with arrow pointing away and trees on both sides.

So, the year 2024 is just days past and we are on high-speed going forward.  What is Mind Health Connect going to do going forward?  Here are my thoughts.   One of the most important messages that I want to keep repeating is that there are natural solutions for mental health.  There are natural solutions […]

Pick the Right Partner

5 love languages written on pad of paper with pen, coffee cup and cookie

So, there is not being enough said about picking the right partner to walk through life.  There is so much research and numerous books on the topic.  There is a difference though with having a communication mistake and not being with the right person. I always encourage by clients to start with the free quiz, […]

Year 2024 in Reflection

Reflections on 2024 newspaper headline with coffee cup and glasses.

Well soon we leave 2024, and I always like to look back on my goals for the year and review what I accomplished and where I need to go, and what I Blogged in. My prediction for 2024 in 2023.  I am continuing to spread the word for natural solutions for mental health.  Natural solutions […]

What are Oxalates?

Foods containing oxalates

Oxalates came into my scope because if there are too many Oxalates in your system than mood conditions, anxiety, sleep problems can be presenting factors in your overall health. Let’s just say a global statement that many foods that are healthy may contain important antioxidants, fibre and other nutrients such as Oxalates.  It is not […]

Bio Individual Nutrition

Fruits and vegetables with Bio written in white on blackboard.

What is Bio Individual Nutrition and how does it work.  First, we all have to acknowledge that the body is a system and second every one of us has their own unique system.  Bio individual nutrition is a way to develop through trial, eliminations and understanding methylation, transsulfuration and sulfation. In layman’s terms, methylation is […]


When I first set out to write a blog, I was nervous and not sure that I had enough to say that people would be interested in.  Here I am writing the 100th blog and still have something to say.  The google algorithms are telling me that people are still interested, and I am getting […]


Resiliency spelled out in tiles with lightbulb on orange background.

What is resiliency in simple terms, it is the ability to adapt and recover from stressors, while maintaining psychological well-being in the face of adversity.  In other words, the ability to bounce back from difficulties you have experienced. Emotional resilience is the ability to deal with adversity in a constructive way, adapting and becoming stronger […]