
Resiliency spelled out in tiles with lightbulb on orange background.

What is resiliency in simple terms, it is the ability to adapt and recover from stressors, while maintaining psychological well-being in the face of adversity.  In other words, the ability to bounce back from difficulties you have experienced. Emotional resilience is the ability to deal with adversity in a constructive way, adapting and becoming stronger […]


Woman with lungs illustrated on chest.

Breathwork is one of the most important starts to healing, people underestimate the power of breath.  When you think about it, it makes sense.  We know that your body reacts to breathing rapidly in an excitable manner.  The body engages in fight, flight freeze preparation when breathing rapidly. When you practice controlled abdominal breathing relaxation […]


Woman seated cross-legged on a couch in a living room while meditating.

Meditation is a practice technique to train your attention and awareness and detach from reflective, discursive thinking. It is a way to exercise the mind to increase awareness. The practice of meditation originated in the ancient Vedic of India and is described in the ancient Vedic text.  Regular meditation practices help them be kind to […]

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

CBT on wooden blocks with brain.

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy otherwise known in the short form as CBT.  The practice of CBT was created in the 1960’s and Dr Aaron T. Beck is credited with the creation, who was a Professor Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania for almost 70 years.  Originally created as a way to recognize and change […]


Do you need DBT with check boxes

In my practice I am trained in a a therapeutic practice called Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).  This form of therapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy that began in order to treat personality disorders.  Evidence developed that it became helpful with mood disorders and suicidal ideation.  It is also used in self-harm and substance abuse. DBT evolved […]

Art Therapy Opens Doors

Man working with therapist using art

As a certified art therapist, I of course have to open the discussion of Art Therapy.  I love Art Therapy as it engages the mind and body in ways that are distinct from verbal articulation alone, it opens the door to interpret how they are feeling in a different way.   This form of therapy invites […]

Internal Family Systems – Works!

IFS spelled out on wooden pieces.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a type of therapeutic practice that I have been trained on and use extensively in my practice.  The theory is that every person has a a protective and inner wounded parts that are led by the core Self. The model provides a framework for understanding the complex mosaic of parts […]

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Health

Foods with Invest in Your Health written in black letters on white book.

There is a need for you to take responsibility for their own health.  This means to take active measures to keep and improve your health, accept help, such as an exercise coach, or taking meditation classes and not offloading all your health responsibility onto your doctor or other professionals. This means being active in managing […]

Biochemical Individuality

Meat, fruit and vegetables for a nutrient rich diet.

and the Walsh Institute We underestimate the importance of nutrients to assure that we are well balanced, both physically and mentally.  Dr. William Walsh has been researching and proving that the effects of nutrients can have a profound effect on mental health.  Walsh has been studying behaviour and effects of nutrients for over 40 years.  […]

Glucose – Diabetes

Gut Health and Mental Well-Being In previous Blogs I have discussed the relationship between gut health and mental wellbeing.  An additional relationship we need to consider is between glucose and mood. Plus,  how gut health has a connection between glucose levels and mental health! The idea should come as no surprise as the brain runs […]

Exploring Copper and Zinc:

Healthy foods containing zinc and copper minerals.

Copper is a mineral that you need to stay healthy.  Your body uses copper to carry out many important functions, including making energy, connective tissue, and blood vessels.  Copper also helps maintain the nervous and immune systems and activates genes.  Your body also needs copper for brain development.  Copper interacts with Vitamin C, iron and […]

Mineral Deficiencies

Minerals are defined as those elements on the earth and thus found in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally.  Those essential for health include, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromosomes, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese’s, and selenium. What does this have to do with mental health? Minerals fulfil […]