Taking Responsibility for Your Own Health
There is a need for you to take responsibility for their own health. This means to take active measures to keep and improve your health, accept help, such as an exercise coach, or taking meditation classes and not offloading all your health responsibility onto your doctor or other professionals. This means being active in managing […]
Biochemical Individuality
and the Walsh Institute We underestimate the importance of nutrients to assure that we are well balanced, both physically and mentally. Dr. William Walsh has been researching and proving that the effects of nutrients can have a profound effect on mental health. Walsh has been studying behaviour and effects of nutrients for over 40 years. […]
Trust in the Ability to Heal
Let’s face it, it is easier to heal from an injury when you have a solid bill of health before the event. So, keeping with a healthy regime to start is a good practice. The human body possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself. Self-healing is important because it allows us to […]
Water plays a key role in many of our body’s functions, including bringing nutrients to cells, getting rid of waste, protecting joints and organs, and maintaining body temperature, just to name a few of the important roles it plays. Water carries nutrients to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain. Water allows […]
10 Foods that Cause Inflammation
As we discussed in previous Blogs that inflammation is designed to be a good thing for the body, it is designed to be healing. However, too much inflammation makes the body work in overdrive and if you are suffering you need to consider lifestyle changes. Like anything I always suggest little steps to change. If […]
Tackling Stress
Tackling stress in your everyday life starts with small changes that reduces unwanted chronic inflammation. Some stressors are good and protective. Too much stress can be toxic and inflammatory. Stress can be mental, physical and/or environmental. There are two types of stress that you need to distinguish from 1) Eustress which is moderate or normal […]
Leaky Gut — What is it?
When your gut is unhealthy, the whole body is at risk. There can be bacterial imbalance, mechanical blockages and other issues that can include brain fog, acne, weight gain, allergies, nutrient deficiency, hormonal or mood imbalances. You will know when you have “Leaky Gut”, you feel the digestive system not working efficiently, causing abdominal distress […]
How I Learned the Hard Way
The journey of my health and wellness has been guiding me to where I am today. We all have our stories and struggles through the medical system or know someone that has struggled through some health issues. My story is, I had extreme fatigue, could fall asleep sitting up so I got into the habit […]
MTHFR Again!
One of my first blogs was about Methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR). I am not sure I understand why but Canada has not adopted the knowledge on the medical side. What is it? It is an enzyme in the methyl cycle of the body causing different individual outcomes such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, preeclampsia during pregnancy, glaucoma […]
Balancing Blood Sugar
We don’t realize the significance in balancing blood sugar and the role it plays in mood and overall health. Have you ever had the “Hangry Feeling”? That is probably blood sugar issues. Blood glucose chaos makes way for a pattern of reactive Hypoglycemia, a condition where blood sugar level drops too low in non-diabetic individuals. […]
Zinc Copper
There are many nutrients that are effective in enhancing MT Function and limiting Pyrrole. Some of these nutrients are digestive enzymes, probiotics, trace minerals and essential fatty acids are often helpful. First though it is recommended to contact a health care professional. A part of the treatment that is important is the removal of excess […]
What is Pryole?
What is Pyrrole and what does it have to do with mental health? Glad you asked, this is a condition where there are too many pyrrole molecules in your body, the increase of these cells can cause mood swings and there is a connection to emotional, physical and mental health conditions. Although pyrrole molecules do […]