Questions & Answers

We get a lot of questions so here are some of the more common ones, along with our answers.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you still have questions.

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective in the long term for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol use, marital problems, eating disorders and severe mental illness.  Numerous research studies have suggested that a significant improvement in functioning and quality of life may be achieved.  In many studies, CBT has been demonstrated to be as effective as, or more effective than, other forms of psychological therapy or psychiatric medications.  I am trained through King George College for Trauma CBT and many years of experience with CBT. 

What is DBT?

Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a therapy that is derived from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which includes mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies.  These strategies support clients in developing skills in mindfulness, emotion regulation, crisis management and interpersonal relations.  There are four main areas of skill building:  1) Mindfulness – awareness of self and presence and letting go of judgement 2) Interpersonal Effectiveness – maintaining relationships and increasing self-respect in relationships 3) Distress Tolerance – getting through distressing situations without making things worse and accepting reality as it is 4) Emotion Regulation – understanding and reducing vulnerability to emotions.  Changing unwanted emotions.  I am trained through Psychwire.

What is IFS: Internal Family Systems?

Internal Family Systems was developed by Richard C. Schwartz PhD.  It combines “system thinking” with the view that the mind is made up of sub-personalities each with its own viewpoint and qualities.  IFS uses family systems therapy to understand this and how these collections are organized and the valuable role they play from within.  The IFS model of psychotherapy is a non-pathologizing, and empowering method of understanding human problems and a way to address them and heal.  IFS is a therapy used to treat individuals, couples and families and is evidence-based, shown to be effective for treating a variety of conditions and their symptoms such as depression, anxiety, phobias, panic and physical health conditions.  I am trained through IFS Canada.

How Does Art Fit In with Therapy?

Art therapy combines a therapeutic process with expression.  Thoughts and feelings can be difficult to process and art assists with the acceptance and understanding of our experiences.  Art is used in different settings and for all ages.  Research supports that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being.  I hold a certification from CIIAT.

How Does Nutrition Fit In?

We know through science that neuronal cells need the same nutrients as all other cells in our body. We tend to think of the brain and the body as separate from each other, yet they function together as an interconnected system all needing oxygen, glucose, magnesium, B vitamins, etc.  We know this through work by Candice Pert PhD (1946-2013) who’s work was a contributor to mind medicine.  The new thinking supports the healing of both mind and body for wellness. 

What is Virtual Therapy?

We send you a Zoom link; you download the Zoom app; and press on the link which will be the same each week.  Virtual can be private or group and completed in the privacy of your home or place of your choice.  It’s hassle-free and works on most devices.

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