So, there is not be enough said about picking the right partner to walk through life. There is so much research and numerous books on the topic. There is a difference though with having a communication mistake and not being with the right person.
I always encourage by clients to start with the free quiz, 5 Love Languages. It is free and online and you can pass it to your partner and at the very least this can open up a discussion and a few laughs. This quiz opens doors to understanding that not everyone receives information or requires/wants the same needs. Sometimes it surprises people that ok, I did not marry a dummy but I married someone who communicates differently, someone who’s needs are different.
Relationships offer health, connection, belonging and emotional support. In humans the relationship we form with other people is vital to our mental and emotional well-being and even our survival. Humans have an inherent desire to be close to other people, to connect. A positive relationship can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while also boosting our self-esteem and overall happiness. Although I think we can all agree that your happiness is your responsibility, it does help to have the support you require.
Togetherness allows us to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and brainstorm solutions to difficult problems. Romance increases hormones that interact with the reward system, especially dopamine so this makes it all the more appealing. This is why it is so important to pick the right person, when the red flag comes on, don’t ignore it discuss it. It is so important to your journey in life.