Really It is About The Water!

Hand holding glass of drinking water

Really It is About The Water!

Hand holding glass of drinking water

Water is considered one of the most important nutrients. If we fail to consume our vegetables and fruits this may result in deficiencies over the span of weeks, months or years, but we can only go without water a few days.

Water is comprised of 60 percent of the average person’s body weight. Our brains are composed of up to 83% water. Water provides the medium for chemical reactions to occur within our cells, transports substances throughout the body, maintenance of body temperature. Water is critical for most physiological processes. Did you know that water is on the top of the list when you are under stress, if you experience an event you need to drink water to cleanse the chemicals that are released as a coping strategy from within your body. Help yourself out and have a glass of water.

Does anyone ever stop and think what in their water? We can’t see anything issues cause water is clear and most of harsh partials are too small for us to see so we can let it slide. We get our water in bottles, jugs and from the tap but do we really know where it all comes from and the process it has gone under? One of the best things you can do for your health is to drink good water, know where is comes from and what is in it.

Recently I listened to a podcast that was discussing, “the consciousness of water”, Dr Masaru Emoto who has for years researched that water can feel emotions. The experiments are taking a flat bottom dish, placing a thought or talking into the water, an example of someone saying thank you looks something like a snowflake. You can watch a video clip on You Tube – Dr Masaru Emoto and Water Consciousness. This I had never thought about but starting this week I am going to try every day to speak to water and see what I get. Challenging you to do the same. Apparently the most powerful words water reacts to is “love and gratitude”….not making this up but it feel like magic.

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@ 2025 Mind Health Connect | All Rights Reserved

A Web Dezyn Plus Creation