Why am I writing about a this?
There is a strong link between tongue tie and B12/folate issues (MTHFR genes) – but what is a tongue tie actually? (caugheydds.com)
A tongue tie “is a condition in which an unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (Lingual Frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth, according to google.” But, it is more than that. There is upper and posterior not just the bottom. A tongue tie can hinder a baby from nursing, cause speech and breathing issues but what is sometimes left out is how it can cause anxiety. If the muscles are tethered the body becomes alarmed and this
can trigger an anxiety response.
The cause of a tongue tie is a genetic predisposition of B12 and Folate (these two operate together), or from improper nutrition. Folate and B12 are required for simple cell division, red blood cell function, energy and iron.
These same nutrients or lack there of can cause spinal bifida, which is a neural tube defect (incomplete closure of spinal cord tissue). The addition of folic acid into cereals and other grain products is an effort to eliminate neural tube defects which can improve a clinical deficiency but will not improve performance in those with deficiencies. In-other-words is this effort of fortifying cereals really working? Maybe we should be reviewing this thinking.
Why am I writing this, new research is reviewing the thinking of fortifying foods, the research is to determine if there is the possible link to fortifying with Folic Acid and the increase in autism.
Have a look at nourishinghope.com, BioindividualNutritionInstitute.com or Walsh Institute, Lifelonghealthchiropractice.com. Have a look, if you have questions just send an email to deb@mindhealthconnect.ca.
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