Your gut has a really big job. It has the task of making sure that our body functioning properly and that we digest, absorb and transform the nutrients we take in to supply nourishment to other body systems like energy production, hormone balancing, skin, mental and physical health and more!
The adult gut is the largest surface area that interacts with the environment. Your Gut has guards from outside invaders like flu and viruses. Just like “good fat” for your brain, your gut needs quality nutrition to run optimally. This is why eating organic and considering a balanced nutritional base may have an impact on your overall health. Weed out the processed foods and you might feel better. Tray just one of these changes.
.That protective wall is only one cell thick! So we need to keep those cells healthy.
.One way to keep your gut healthy and build your bodies immunity is by taking probiotics. There are three probiotics that seem to be the most important for your gut and therefore arguably your overall health. The first probiotic is in order of the route we eat, it is for your mouth, yep that is right, there is a pretty important probiotic that is oral, Streptococcus faecium, and you can buy tooth paste with this strain or lozenges. The second is Lactobacillus acidophilus which is required for the upper digestive parts. The third is called Bifidobacterium bifidum which is required for the lower digestive parts. Thus, depending on what your gut, or your health needs are you can purchase a probiotic that suits. Things to remember are, acidophilus itself acts as a mild antibiotic, with regular use it may even replace harmful bacteria in the colon. Acidophilus is also commonly used to treat yeast infections, or can be employed as a treatment of intestinal yeast.
.There are many more probiotics and prebiotics as well watch having different results so know your needs, read the labels and see what the strengths are of the probiotic you are purchasing.
.Have questions, just ask, info@mindhealthconnect.ca
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