Fat and Depression Link

Depression can be described as a mood, a state of being, or energy level that includes a lack of motivation, a sense of hopelessness, and a lack of physical energy.  Depression can be associated with a variety of nutritional deficiencies; there are common symptom and they occur in both young or old.  It is not always simply an emotional or psychological condition, although it commonly includes emotional components.  Depressive reactions may be associated with such presentations as fatigue, obesity, headaches, or poor digestion. 

There are many other treatments in place beyond or in addition to drug therapy that are useful. Counselling and psychological support as well as nutritional therapy may be helpful for depression. The nutrition should consist of 1) a good organic diet devoid of chemicals and junk food; 2)micronutrient support, particularly with B vitamins, niacin, pyridoxine, B12 and folic acid, vitamin C, zinc and manganese and other nutrients that support the production of neurotransmitter substances.  I usually start with adding healthy Omega 3 and 6 plus Vitamin D.  This is not a one size fits all as we are all unique but it is an alternative for consideration. Consulting with a Nutritionist, or a healthcare worker thats has the knowledge is key.

There are other useful considerations when looking for some relief of symptoms, such as minerals, more and more of our food is depleted due to the farming practices in North and South America where many of our food is grown. The soil has become depleted of the minerals that our bodies need to function efficiently.  There are two main causes of health issues  1) deficiency and 2) toxicity.  That is why the key to health is understanding balance and the knowledge to know how to rebalance.

Have questions just ask me, info@mindhealthconnect.ca

Ref: Staying Healthy with Nutrition, Eldon M Haas MD



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