Biochemical Individuality

Meat, fruit and vegetables for a nutrient rich diet.

and the Walsh Institute

We underestimate the importance of nutrients to assure that we are well balanced, both physically and mentally.  Dr. William Walsh has been researching and proving that the effects of nutrients can have a profound effect on mental health.  Walsh has been studying behaviour and effects of nutrients for over 40 years.  The Walsh Institute recognizes that we all have innate biochemical factors that influence personality, behaviour, mental health, immune function, allergic tendencies etc. Remember, we are not just our parents genetics but also a collection many generations of genetics from both sides of the family.

What that means genetically is that we all have different abilities to process nutrients and this factor could make us deficient in some and overloaded in others.  At this time most of the scientific and medical communities agree on the tremendous influence of neurotransmitters in behaviour disorders, ADHD, depression, and schizophrenia.  Most persons with these disorders are born with a pre-disposition to these disorders due to a genetic malfunction of specific neurotransmitters.  Our mental health are dependent on specific critical brain chemicals. The question becomes, where do our neurotransmitters come from, simple, our body produces them, so it makes perfect sense that if we balance the deficiencies and deal with the overload our body and mind would benefit.

Most neurotransmitters problems appear to be genetic or epigenetic in nature and involve abnormal absorption, metabolism or storage of key nutrients. As neuroscience advances, biochemical treatment to correct brain chemistry will become better defined.  Nutrient therapy can be potent and can avoid side effects, since no molecules foreign to the body are needed.  Doesn’t that make perfect sense! That’s why I took the training and came a Walsh Institute Practitioner.

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