During this time of year there is one thing that keeps in the forefront in our lives is relationships either the lack of or missing, the stress or the peace that comes with the connection. Kinship, partnerships connection, associations. Either one of these culminate to the ultimate meaning which is to create a bond.
The holiday times can be trying on and how we reconsider concepts like love and peace and applying this to out everyday life to ourselves and others. This includes compassion, empathy and commitment. At times we have to bring a little bit of exploration within ourselves and why certain behaviours of others are triggering and also re-thinking that we have to take on this behaviour, it is outs to fix or the need to defend. Maybe, just maybe it is on them not you. Sometimes we don’t have to fix things, we just have to be in our own energy with compassion and empathy and most times it is not on you, it is on others to make the change and find their peace.
One of the best therapy tools I use is to draw a circle, identify what is in your control. Anyone can use this practice with any situation. Are others in your control? No so let go of the need to change others and keep working on your inner peace, maybe that is how not to respond, how not to take things personal, how not to take what people are saying to heart, maybe just maybe, it is there stuff that is leaking out and has nothing to do with you.
Just a thought, to give you something to think about.
Need help with your triggers, email info@mindhealthconnect.ca