When you fall ill and need help with your health, either mind or body there can be an overwhelming surge of information that overwhelms you and pressure to make decisions fast and immediate. Don’t be afraid to take a moment, some time and have a clear picture of your desired outcome.
Communication in these types of situations is the ultimate in keeping the medical side engaged with you. You are not just a number in the system but a person, remember that, and remind that practitioner of that, although it can be difficult document each step so that you can keep track of the treatment and the goals. Practitioners are human and see many patients in one day keeping them on track is to your benefit and to theirs. We are all an important piece in the world, remember that although at times it can be difficult.
Remember to ask questions, write them down before you go in if you must. Asking questions and keeping yourself calm and listening is the first item of importance, gaining trust with the practitioner is the second, trust in the treatment protocol is the third. All very important steps in negotiating through any medical crisis. Avoid being narrow-minded or angry; that behaviour will not be helpful. Be flexible in your thinking, the information is new and there needs to be time to process it, take it. Remember you want to maintain the relationship for your care.
Don’t be afraid to walk away and take the time to process, remember you are negotiating your care, and it can be difficult under duress, take the time to approach everything with a calm and clear mind.
Do you need support negotiating your care, email info@mindhealthconnect.ca for help.