Tackling stress in your everyday life starts with small changes that reduces unwanted chronic inflammation. Some stressors are good and protective.  Too much stress can be toxic and inflammatory.  Stress can be mental, physical and/or environmental. There are two types of stress that you need to distinguish from 1) Eustress which is moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial 2) Distress which is extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. Quick list of changes you could make:

  • Think about saying no to more requests during the week to allow time to relax and recover on weekends. This is also setting health boundaries.
  • Schedule fewer activities for yourself and your family to give you more personal time.
  • Learn to outsource when possible.
  • While eating, chew slowly. Eat small meals more frequently.  Don’t multitask while eating.
  • Don’t check your email every five minutes. Try to limit doing so to once an hour or more.
  • Turn off computers, electronic tablets and cellphones one to two hours before bedtime to let your mind calm down.
  • Practice meditation or mindfulness and make it part of your daily routine.

This list is a great start to reducing stress.  If stress becomes persistent, our cortisol levels become chronically high. This activates your fight or flight response and can result in burnout and exhaustion.

Have questions, just ask me info@mindhealthconnect.ca Ref: Special Health Edition May 2022
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