The power of Nutrients is an under-appreciated fact. The fact is that nutrients are the primary raw materials for the synthesis of many neurotransmitters are nutrients. Such as, amino acids, vitamins, mineral and other natural biochemicals are all obtained from food. Serotonin which is
One of the natural body chemicals that controls your mood. It works with melatonin to help control when you sleep and wake up, as well as how you feel pain, your overall wellbeing and sexual desire. Serotonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan, which is a protein, and the final reaction step requires vitamin B-6 as a cofactor.
Dopamine plays a role as a “reward center” and in many body functions, including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention and more. High or low dopamine levels are associated with diseases including Parkinson’s disease, restless legs syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Dopamine can originate from either of two amino acids with iron and folate also involved in the process.
Norepinephrine (regulation of arousal, attention, cognitive function and stress reactions) is produced from dopamine with copper having a role. Another example is zinc and B6 are required for the synthesis and regulation of GABA (a neurotransmitter and chemical messenger) known to have a calming effect.
The rate of production of transporters is enhanced by certain nutrients and inhibited by others. An example of this is methylation of DNA is the primary mechanism for silencing (switching off) genes that produce neurotransmitter transporters. The result of undermethylated persons generally have reduced serotonin and a tendency for depression. In another example, over methylated persons may have excessive dopamine activity and a tendency for anxiety and paranoid schizophrenia. Nutrient therapy to adjust methyl levels can produce major benefits for these people by normalizing the synaptic activity of these important neurotransmitters.
All of this gives rise to a new approach for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and other types of mental illness called biochemical therapy or nutrient therapy. The primary element involved in diagnosis of nutrient imbalances through testing of blood, urine, and tissues, and then the aim is to use therapies that normalize nutrient levels in the brain.
Therefore, diet and understanding our individual biochemical make up all makes the picture clear on therapies that will move healing forward.
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Ref: Nutrient Power, William J. Walsh