Oxalates came into my scope because if there are too many Oxalates in your system than mood conditions, anxiety, sleep problems can be presenting factors in your overall health. Let’s just say a global statement that many foods that are healthy may contain important antioxidants, fibre and other nutrients such as Oxalates.  It is not wise to completely stop eating foods such as spinach, sweet potatoes, beets or potato skins other surprising source are black tea soy cocoa and nuts such as almonds, Brazil or pine nuts.  Exploring an elimination diet with your health care team may be what is required to find out if changes need to be made.

Low oxalate protein and dairy include eggs, meat, poultry, fish, yogurt, cheese, milk, and butter.  These re foods that contain 10-25 mg of oxalates per serving. You may know this if you are prone to kidney stones as there is an increased risk if you eat high oxalate foods.

Oxalates are imported in the function of binding to minerals such as calcium.  In small amounts oxalates are harmless.  However, higher levels may reduce the body’s mineral absorption and contribute to kidney stone formation.

Just a few tips and tricks to help you on your health journey.  Understanding dietary needs and how this works with the body is so important.  I always suggest “eat a rainbow” this helps to eat different coloured fruits and vegetables to obtain beneficial antioxidants, carotenoids and anthocyanin.  You are after all what you eat.

Book the start of your journey, www.mindhealthconnect.ca

Ref: medicalnewstoday.com

Ref: https://www.healthline.com

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